Difficulty of block: easy
Number of pieces: 17 (should have been 21 pieces)
Method used: hand piecing
I'm very disappointed. Not until I was writing this post, did I notice the mistake in Brenda's pattern. She has taken the inner (on point) square and made it the full size of the block. If you look at Jane's block, the inner square fits inside the next square, making four more triangles in the second fabric. Jane's way looks much better. Should I do it again?
P.S. I have started a list on my sidebar called, Oops! Blocks.
Very interesting, I must remember to correct this, too, when I do this block.
That's interesting. My software printed out the other triangles, so mine looks like Jane's, if I'm not mistaken. Brenda must have made the change after printing the book?
I've made a habit of comparing each pattern to the actual block before committing to cutting. There have been a few blocks that I've adjusted or redrafted to look closer to the original because I liked it better, but then others I've left the same. I think what it comes down to is what you like best. It is your quilt after all! :)
Wow Karen - this quilt will be beautiful! I'd love to make the Dear Jane quilt myself one day.
It's frustrating isn't it? I've found several mistakes in the software and it's very discouraging. It seems that there would have been corrections made to the book and software by now. The block is very pretty though and unless you are trying to duplicate the original, I would leave it as it is.
Thanks for the Oops List. As I work my way through the blocks, I've found some of the same differences but I've missed some that you spotted. I hope to remember to check this list as I start new blocks....as I'm mostly trying to copy Janes's version, although, like you, I sometimes go with Brenda's draft even when I know it's different from Jane's block.
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